Sep 8, 2011

Australian Currecncy - Andrew Ference Blog - 1944 Australian 1/2 Pound or Ten Shillings Note Signed by 50+ Comrades Somewhere in New Giunea

This will be a work in progress. They belonged to a soldier named Andrew Ference of the 80th Adrm Squadron. I have several letters and many item he sent his girlfriend that he met when he was training at in Georgia and she was going to college. They carried on a relationship all through the war and when it ended and he came back they married.

There is much to this story and I want to post many of the unique items he sent her during the courtship. His letters a very descriptive when describing the Filipinos and other tribes.

Here is a 1944 Australian 1/2 Pound or Ten Shillings Note Signed by 50+ soldiers and comrades of the 80th Adrm. Squadron Somewhere in New Guinea.

Here is a list of names on this side:  Tony Racos, Clifton Adair, John Castaneda, Lewis Lucas, James Bebine, Albert S. Stout, Melvin Smith, Robert Summerfield, George Glas, Ralph E. Wood, Raymond C. Meabon, Taylor C. Tyra, Otis V. Tyra, Lawrence E. Milton, Lamar L. Woodall, Stanley Tibbitts, T. J. Shamey, H. C. Quisenberry, Charles W. Findeisen, George Manula, these names are written along the side: James Robinson, Bill Patterson, John Raess, Joseph Izzo, Thomas or George H. Anderson

On the front on the Commonwealth of Australia shillings note is the following signed comrades in arms: S/SGT Leno V. Corso, Jim T. Overstreet, Cliff B. Knauss, Cpl Paul G. Steinzig, Pfc R. J. Golubieski, Sgt George Wesch, Kelly, Pfc Louie Johnson B., Pvt Brijido Benagas, Sgt Gene R. Robinson, Pvt John T. Hoke, Pfc Floyd Potts, Clp Jerry Bacon, Clp Travise DeWeese, Clp Grady A. Hurst, Garland G. Solmon, Clp Erik K. Woods, Cpl Al Zaziera, Warren D. Mallatt, Herbert S. Wickman, Sgt Hilbert H. Rocks

The note is in excellent condition and he writes to his girlfriend, that he eventually at the end of the war married the following:

"I'm going to send along a half pound note that I had some of the fellous [sic] autograph it.  I'd like you to keep it dear,   ---as another little remembrance.  Do you know we're going to have some big collection of "what nots" if I keep sending things the way I have.  Tere's nothing wrong with that though, Is there?

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