Aug 9, 2011

1944 SWPA Japanese Tokyo Rose Ephemeral WWII Propaganda Christmas Card Sent From New Guinea By Sgt. Andrew ((Andy) 80th Adrm. Sqdrn. aka Harpo

This will be a work in progress. I have hundreds of letters and many item he sent his girlfriend that he met when he was training at Fort Dix in Georgia and she was going to college. They carried on a relationship all through the war and when it ended and he came back they married.

there is much to this story and I want to post a lot of items he sent her during the courtship. His letters a very descriptive when describing the Filipinos and other tribes.

Japanese propaganda leaflet from the New Guinea SWPA Sgt. Andrew Ference sent this to his sweetheart. When I first saw I thought it was just a Christmas card until I read what it said Above is the letter in came in. Below as it looks, very innocent and sweet sentiment.
They quote from the New Testament to bring into content
But this what they are getting at: Your foes are they of your own country...American Big Business which is driving you to the gigantic slaughter house the world has ever known

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