I have added to this blog, as I have learned little things along the way you will see that the photos that have captions close to photograph is the newest addition.
The photo above is the official Change of Command that took place on 16 December 1965 when Lt. Colonel Austin O. Davis II took command of the 62nd Fighter Intercept Squadron (ADC) at KI Sawyer Air Force Base, Michigan (since closed).
The photo below shows Major General Frederick R. Terrell, Commander 30th Air Division, Truax Field, Wisconsin, saluting Lt. Col. Davis as he assumes Command from Colonel Amos E. Waage who is relinquishing Command of the 62nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron (ADC) at KI Sawyer.
Below shows 30 November 1965 ceremony as Major General Frederick R. Terrell, pins Legion of Merit Award on Colonel Amos E. Waage upon his relinquishing Command of 62nd Ftr Intcp Sq (ADC) to Colonel Davis.
following three pages are the program for the Changing of Command itinerary, showing the ceremony in detail. Col. Davis had approximately nine scrapbooks of photos, programs and letters from Generals to Ambassadors. I will list the name of hundreds of men that served with the Colonel Davis through the years.
The photo below shows the opening of the Change of Command Ceremony, 62nd Ftr Intcp Sq (ADC) being held in the #1 Hanger at S I Sawyer AFB, Michigan.
These servicemen were award the Air Force Commendation Medal at the ceremony beginning from far left MSgt Norman L. Johnson, MSgt Charles E. Schmidt Jr., TSgt David D. Schumacher, SSgt James C. Albritton, SSgt Ronald D. Carruthers, A1C Reuben H. Sailar, A1C Jesus Salazar and A2C Arthur J. Podvin
The photo below taken 30 November 1965-change of Command Ceremony.Far left General Terrell pinning Legion of Merit Award on Colonel Amoes E. Waage and personnel receiving AF Commendation Medal ( Major William W. Locke Jr., Major Keith E. DeFrancesco, Captain Wesley E. Abbey, Captain Harold W. Bingaman, Captain Patrick L. Garvin, Captain Davis E. Lebby, Captain James H. Lien and Captain Larry R. Livingston
Image below is a closeup of the above
Below we see Major General Terrell receiving Major and Mrs Calvin J. Kadous at the Change of Command buffet receiving line.
Below is the Change of Command Buffet Receiving Line. Mrs Austin O. Davis (Libbey), Lt Colonel Austin O. Davis and Mrs Amos E. Waage (Phyllis) receiving Major Calvin J. Kadous
Change of Command Buffet, Officers' Open Mess, K I Sawyer AFB, Michigan - Major General Frederick R. Terrell, Colonel Amos E. Waage, Lt. Colonel Austin O. Davis
Photo below taken on 30 Nov 1965 Change of Command Buffet shows Lt. Colonel and Mrs Austin O. Davis (Libbey) Colonel and Mrs Amos E. Waage (Phyllis)
Closeup of the above image.
All the the notebooks were covered with these colorful flight maps..
10 December 1965 We see a check for $10 being presented by Lt. Colonel Davis to CMSgt Malcolm Breeze for Suggestion adopted by K I Sawyer for placement of a shelter over entrance to Commissary
Photo below was taken on 20 December 1965 at Completion of 15,000 hours of safe flying time during Calendar Years 1964 and 1965. Lt Col Davis, Maj Locke, Capt Caldwell 62nd FIS, K I Sawyer AFB, Michigan (ADC)
Following photo taken on 14 March 1966 on the Retirement Ceremony of Technical Sergeant and Mrs Clarence E. Smith (Mary)
Below is the 29 March 1966 Retirement Ceremony of Technical Sergeant Thaddeous K. Stasiewicz and shows Lt Colonel Davis presenting the Announcement and Certificate of Retirement
We see in the following photo taken on 17 March 1966, the ceremony where Lt Col Davis is presenting Air Force Commendation Medal to SSgt Obie Goins for service while NCO of Maintenance Supply Liaison Section
In this image taken on 17 March 1966 Lt Col Davis presenting Air Force Commendation Medal to SSgt Prentis O. Wiles for service while OIC of Maintenance Supply Liaison Section
March 17, 1966 Presentation of AF Commendation Medals to Sgts Goins and Wiles, Lt. Col. Davis, Sgt Goins, Sgt. Wiles and Lt Maxey, Supply Liaison Officer |
Farewell briefing by Major General Terrell March 25, 1966 |
Farewell briefing by Major General Terrell, March 25, 1966 Lt. Col Davis, Major Locke, Gen Terrell, Cap Lein, Capt Krosgeng |
Briefing of 62nd wives by Lt. Povilus, April 19, 1966 (Officers) |
Briefing of 62nd wives, April 19, 1966, Mrs Betty Dyle, Mrs Barney Brunner, Mrs Peg Smith, Mrs Lib Davis, Mrs Mary Sianis, Mrs Dee Obus, Mrs Carolyn Metcalf |
Briefing of 62nd wives, April 19, 1966, Mrs Carolyn Metcalf with model of jet |
Retirement Ceremony, SSgt Louis Hope, April 30, 1966, Col Davis, SSgt Hope, Mrs Hope |
Retirement Ceremony, SSgt Louis Hope, April 30, 1966, Col Davis, SSgt Hope (Put in hospital that afternoon - actually retired from 62nd on August 15, 1966) |
62nd NCO and Airman's wives Briefing, May 18, 1966 by Lt. Povilus |
Closeup 62nd NCO and Airman's wives Briefing, May 18, 1966 |
June 1, 1966 Retirement Ceremony SMSgt Audley Gibson, Lt. Col. Davis, Sgt Gibson |
June 1, 1966 Retirement Ceremony SMSgt Audley Gibson, Lt. Col. Davis, SMS Gibson and Mrs. Gibson and family |
June 1, 1966 Retirement Ceremony SMSgt Audley Gibson, Lt. Col. Davis, SMS Gibson and Mrs. Gibson |
Presentation of AF Commendation Medal 3 June 1966, Lt Col Davis - Lt Colonel Pribil, Commander, Det 1, 62FIS |
Armed Forces Day 22 May 1966, Photographs courtesy of Donna Grace Bain |
Armed Forces Day 22 May 1966, Photographs courtesy of Donna Grace Bain |
Zero Defects Presentation of Commander's Call 29 June 1966, A2C Rehfield, A1C Lullo, Lt Col Maguire, SSgt Sailer, SSgt Engelkamp |
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