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I will be posting these pages from Nurse Dottie Thompson diary a few pages at a time. There are over 150 entries from very talented, witty and very appreciative soldiers, even the privates show a degree of good schooling.
These entries will be from Dardnelles related.
I will be adding more in the future. For enjoyment here are some drawings without caption or explaination:
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I will be posting these pages from Nurse Dottie Thompson diary a few pages at a time. There are over 150 entries from very talented, witty and very appreciative soldiers, even the privates show a degree of good schooling.
These entries will be from Dardnelles related.
The caption on the above entry says the following: "No room for slackers in Kitcheners Army." The soldier name was Pte T. Helliwell, 8th Manchester Regiment; 42nd Division; Invalided from Dardenelles, Nov. 13th 1915
This entry below has two soldiers writing on this one page. It begins with this name:
Pte A. Yates 1/5 Lanc Fues ?, No 2523; Wounded Aug 1915 at Dardanelles
The second is signed as follows: Le Cpl G. A. Hyde; 1/7 Essex Reg No 2511; Wounded Oct 7th 1915; Dardanelles and he signs it:
"It is not in ----?--- to -----?----- Success but ----?----- do more ----?----- it." Can you figure out what he says?
The entry below is signed: L/Cpl Williams; 5th Batt Wilts Reg.; Invaled from Dardnelles to the Grange hospital Southport
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