Jul 11, 2011

1914 Yacht Club Flags United States And Canada for Boat Clubs; Motor Boat; Motor Yacht; Power Boat; 1938 Wildwood New Jersey NJ Yacht Club Lapel Pin

Comment only to: robtnar@gmail.com, if you open this and the write message page appears and you ask a question or make a comment and when you press send, it does not work, just copy and paste my email address to your own email service

                                                                             Above are reference for yacht club flags.  You sometimes will find pins, badges and medals with these renderings on them. I find the Memphis Power Boat Club flag interesting with its incorporation of the swastika and the American Yacht Club with it's Iron Cross as part of the design. Many of these clubs have ceased to exist.

Note: B.C. indicates Boat Club; M.B.C., Motor Boat Club; M.Y.C., Motor Yacht Club; P.B.C, Power Boat Club. Unless otherwise indicated the club is a Yacht Club.

Above you will see the first Wildwood Yacht Club lapel pin design with the club pennant flag superimposed over a yacht steering wheel, a rare classic.

Comment only to: robtnar@gmail.com if you open this and the write message page appears and you ask a question and when you press send, it does not work, just copy and paste my email address to your own email service

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