Aug 15, 2011

Photograph Japan - c. 1950 - 1952 Kamakura Japan Colorful Parade Floats on Showa Day; National Diet Library; Shinto Shire; Ofuna Kannon 1951 or 1952; Daibutsu Buddha; Imperial Hotel; Ginza Avenue; Tokyo Balloon Sign; Taken by Army Nurse Captain Alta Green of 47th Mash Unit in Korea and 8169th Zama, Japan

I found these slides at the Goodwill in Portland, Oregon. They belong to a Army nurse Captain Alta Green that served in the 47 Mash unit  in Korea and the 8169th in Zama, Japan. She took some beautiful picture that I will try to post as a tribute to her service.

These she took  c. 1950 - 1952 on a trip to Kamakura and Tokyo Japan. I am so glad she documented this parade, else the memory would forever be lost. 

I am assuming this is Showa Day because on this 35mm slides you can actually read a sign that is post on inside this float. You able to read only with a loupe. The float has butterflies and some insect on a branch and there is even one of those Foo dogs guarding the entrance.

In this next photo are some of the floats lined up with the first one having many different flowers. The next float seems to be a boat with rabbits and a little boy on it. Seems that little boy is present as he is in the above float.

This next float shows what I have no idea what they are suppose to represent, maybe some one viewing this would know.  The edges and the openings are bordered by single large roses of different colors.

This next float shows a horse drawn pumpkin coach with Cinderella ready to enter. It is probably her ride to the ball to meet the Emperor. 

In this next photo is a house with some boys and a dog playing in the front yard. The picture window on the house shows the dinning room with a cupboard with their best porcelain plates displayed. Again the little boys in the yard.

This next float is just butterflies and balloons. The colors on the 35mm slides are very vibrant and sharp. Just beautiful colors and designs.

This next scene is downtown Kamakura. The building on the right looks like a bank. It is nothing like this today, but then again what is. It was a time of less congestion, not like today 

This is the famous Daibutsu Buddha with school children posing in front of it.

This is a street in Kamakura.  I only wish I could capture the quality of these 35mm slides, for the colors are so wonderful. Maybe in the future I will be able to transfer to digital picture so they will be more representative on what the slides actually look like.

Here we have a wonderful scene in downtown Kamakura.  I do knot know were it is located but the building on the right, very old fashion looks like a bank

More photos of the Daibutsu with children posing in front of it.

This photo below is of the unfinished Ofuna Kannon in 1950 -1952. In this image it is of a grey color. I wish I had a closeup of this period of its development. It was hand finished from start to the beautiful white color it is today.

The image below is of a balloon sign in Tokyo

The sign on the gate in the photo below says: National Diet Building.  It is set up similar to our House of Representative and Senate.

Below is a photo in Tokyo of the Imperial Hotel

This is an amazing house below, which was captioned on the slide as the Imperial Palace. . I only wish I could photograph with more detail.

The caption on the slide below had written, "Shinto Shrine."  It was with the Tokyo batch, so I am sure that is were it was taken.

This slide below had the caption, Tokyo Tour  Guide

Here is a better photo of the Imperial Hotel where she stayed on this tour

Better closeup of the Imperial Palace below, kind of small for the Imperial Palace would you not say

Below a closeup of the National Library

Below is a closeup of the balloon sign in Tokyo

This street below in Ginza Street in Tokyo

I guess this photo below is in Tokyo. What really strikes me is that it looks like the Daily Planet building in the Superman comic books. Great looking building. Sadly the details have been compromised by amateur photography skills.

If you double click on the photos they will have sharper details.

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