Aug 9, 2011

WW1 Diary Autograph Book - Dardanelles, Gallipoli Campaign, Wounded Soldiers Invalided at Woodlands Hospital , Also know as The Grange Hospital Southport; Nurse Lottie Thompson Dairy; Entries From Appreciative Soldiers Enhanced With Drawings, Poems, Photograph Signed With Serial Numbers or Regiments

WW1 Diary Autograph Book - Dardanelles, Gallipoli Campaign, Wounded Soldiers Invalided at Woodlands Hospital , Also know as The Grange Hospital Southport; Nurse Lottie Thompson Dairy; Entries From  Appreciative Soldiers Enhanced  With Drawings, Poems, Photograph Signed With Serial Numbers or Regiments

I will be posting these pages from Nurse Dottie Thompson diary a few pages at a time. There are over 150 entries from very talented, witty and very appreciative soldiers, even the privates show a degree of good schooling. There are also scattered pre 1914 drawings from friends I am assuming of her, for some are dated 1907, 1911.These entries will be from Dardanelles related.

The caption on the above entry says the following: "No room for slackers in Kitcheners Army." The soldier name was Pte T. Helliwell, 8th Manchester Regiment; 42nd Division; Invalided from Dardanelles, Nov. 13th 1915
This entry below has two soldiers writing on this one page One from a Private A. Yates with the 1/5 Lance and the other Lance Corporal G. A. Hyde with the 1/7 Essex Regulars. It begins with this name:
Pte A. Yates 1/5 Lanc Fues ?, No 2523; Wounded Aug 1915 at Dardanelles
The second is signed as follows: Le Cpl G. A. Hyde; 1/7 Essex Reg No 2511; Wounded Oct 7th 1915; Dardanelles and he signs it:
"It is not in ----?--- to -----?----- Success but ----?----- do more ----?----- it." Can you figure out what he says?
The entry below from Lance Corporal Williams of the 5th Battery Wiltshire Regular is signed: L/Cpl Williams; 5th Batt Wilts Reg.; Invaled from Dardanelles to the Grange hospital Southport

This drawing below is captioned Society Style and signed Albert Fitzgerald 1907.

This one below is captioned "Dream Girl" and was signed Private Edgar Farrar R. A. M. C. 54 Cemetery or Cemetry Road, Leeds

This is from a girlfriend: By gum! it sticks. from Elsie Norton 2/11/09

All this one says is: Och !!!

This entry below has no caption or name, but interesting

This image below shows two woman smoking which I think was a sign of a loose woman in those days. Corporal F. Broadbent of the West Yorkshire Regular wrote: "You can get on without us men, or you seem to, anyway.

This watercolor of Daisy's was done by W. Gibbons's he had another watercolor I will post later

This drawing is a very early one dated E. Holt 1911, A Scene of Cheshire
Below is the W. Gibbons watercolor I mentioned above

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